Monday, February 18, 2013

Chivalry...It's Endangered :(

P here. I want to blog about chivalry tonight. It's late here (about 10:20, the time at the bottom of our blogs are wrong.) and I have nothing more to do. 

So, I'm talking to this guy, let's call him Gerard (yes, like Gerard Butler. He resembles him immaculately) and he is......Different. Not in a bad way, but a good way. And intriguing way. He likes to be chased, which, if you know me, is super weird. Because I am the one who is usually being chased.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm about 5'6, 120 pounds, long blonde hair, green/grey eyes, and tan. Needless to say, I'm attractive. I tend to get chased a lot. But not by gentlemen. By pigs. The kind who ask you to "hang out" instead of "on a date." Which, girls, we all know there is a difference.

Now, about Gerard. You see, he is 5 years (6 technically, my bday is March) older than I, but he knows what he wants. And so do I. So, here we are, stuck in this adventure I like to call the Chase Game.

The Chase Game is a bastard, alright? It's where he doesn't want to chase you and you don't want to chase him. Not because you're afraid of being annoying, but because you know you deserve to be chased, and unfortunately....So does he.

See how confusing it is?! This is where I am in my life. Why can't he just ask me on a date, or something? I know why! Because HE wants ME to ask HIM out, and that my friends, is NOT going to happen.

What I'm really trying to get at here, is why can't guys be less complicated and more chivalrous? Why, oh, why can't they ask us out to dinner or a movie, hold the door open, pay for us, and listen to our bantering and bitching and LOVE IT?! We spend 98% of our life looking good for guys, talking to guys, listening to guys, and hating them, as well. 

For Christ's sake, as me on a date, man! Take me out and treat me like the hot mama I know I am! It's not that hard! Gahhh! 

This is me right now: 

And he's over there all smug like:

Sorry to rant, but I mean, COME ON!!!!

To be continued....

P* from the Bombshells


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